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Lightning and Thunder

Today I left the house in the fog. It was heavy and made things hard to breath. I was a sweaty mess by the time I reached work.

The fog cleared and the sun came out with a vengance. It was still muggy. My normal walk over lunch was not comfortable.

The clouds came in and caused wonderful lightning and thunder. There was no rain while I walked home.

Within 10 minutes of getting home rain pelted down.

My spouse and I stood on the porch and watched the rain and counted the spaces between the lightning and thunder.

I have been so stressed out this year that I needed the little bit of peace that this rain brought.

I have not created any new things this week. I have been photographing my art so I can add better pictures to my catalog and MAYBE put some original items up on Etsy (if I can ever get it going.)

Today is going to be a slow day for me, a recovery day.

One more week and I will be self employeed.

Two weeks before my first event as a vendor, Oddmall Tacoma.

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