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Status Update #2

Another post where I did not plan ahead.

After my post on Monday I painted, colored on some wood, did not get enough sleep, took care of a sick spouse, and have gotten the spouses cold. It has been a pretty busy three days.

I had some ideas yesterday about post topics, but I just could not focus long enough to write anything substantial. I could not focus on much of anything. I could not read more than a few pages of a book. Watching a movie was out of the question, I could barely make it through an episode of whatever show I was trying to watch (NCIS I think.)

I did do a bunch of sketching yesterday. I drew a bunch of eyes with the iris and pupil in different positions. It was fun to just scribble away without worrying about where the lines went or how it looked. I even tried eyes looking down (like the person is reading) and up. I doodled some feathers and stars as well, but I filled a few pages with eyes.

If I could focus long enough I might try to draw some people poses. Maybe tonight.


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