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Motivation Monday 9

Two posts in one day!

Has the eclipse made me mad?

No. It has just been a busy day and I have a lot to share.

The quote I chose for today is from George Gordon Byron, better known as Lord Byron. A popular English poet and politician. I probably could have posted the quote without telling you the author and you probably would have guessed who it was from.

“Be thou the rainbow in the storms of life. The evening beam that smiles the clouds away, and tints tomorrow with prophetic ray.”

In summary, be someones happiness or good thing in the day. It will carry over to their tomorrow and make it better.

I do not want anyone to have a bad day because of me. I would much rather be the thing that made someones day good. There are enough people and life events that can make a day bad. You do not need to add it it.

Plus, you doing good makes your day better as well.

This image was inspired by the quote and the eclipse that happened today. I did not get to see it. I was stuck inside working on lots of things for my future as an artist. I can say that the way the shadows changed was quite disconcerting.

In addition to all the work stuff, my back was very painful today. I tried to stay sitting or laying. I have a full day tomorrow and I want to be as functional as I can be.

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