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Motivation Monday #14

The inevitable happened.

I used a quote a second time.

I have a hard time finding quotes that give me ideas. I find tons of great and motivational quotes and I even have a list of ones that I really like. The problem is that they give me nice visuals one day, and nothing the next.

Today is a Inktober / Drawlloween flavor of an Elon Musk quote I used a while ago.

“When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor.”


It is true.

Think of all the challenges you never thought you would over come. Getting a job… or maybe a better job. Maybe the challenge was something you did NOT do… get arrested, go to jail, get fired.

Our lives are filled with challenges; some easy, some hard. If it is important that you overcome the challenge, you will. You might never know how you did it but you will do it and you will survive.

An example is being a single parent. Try working two jobs to provide for your child. Maybe even take night classes so you can quite one in a few years. Many people are living this life, some with more than one child.

Another example is being a survivor of a horrific event. All of your friends/family are gone, you are the only one left. You are a shell of a person just living off the routine you had. The events of the past few months are leaving many in this situation.

Maybe you are a recovering addict. Maybe you had to move because there would be no way for you to recover where you were living. No job, no friends, no family, no support. Another life that many people are living.

All of these are realities.

It might be yours.

It might be your neighbors.

It might be reality for the guy who serves your coffee.

And in order to survive, you will do what you need to… WHATEVER is important for you to survive.

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