Lots of things have been going on this week.
1. I should be starting a new full time job in a few weeks.
This is good, financially. I will be able to get more prints and other merchandise. I think stickers would be fun. I will also be able look at doing more events and getting assistance with marketing.
While I will have less time to work on art, I think I will be more focused. I will be taking the bus to and from so I will have time to sketch and plan things. Previously I was walking to and from, so I was building things in my head as I went to and from work.
This should not be to much of a change art wise.
2. New video on youtube today!
It is the hydrangea and daisies on the little wood panel. Cute, relaxing, and fun.
3. I have a few events coming up:
Bizzare Bazaar in Seattle at Spooked in Seattle on October 28th. Stop by and see me and my creepiest art.
Right after that is Jet City Comic Show, November 4th and 5th. I will have my nerdiest creations, plus the rest that I usually have. I do not really want to make tons of fan art. I would rather make things that are new and different.
I am still going to do RAWk Seattle on December 13th at Studio 7. Let me know if you would like to support my entry by purchasing a ticket.
4. I finished The Flash art. I am not happy with it. This happens from time to time. It was not fun and nothing seemed to work out with it. I am not even sure I want to spend the money to get prints of it.
I have moved onto a Batman Janus head. There are layers of nerd in this one. It makes me happy.
Plus Batman is awesome. Not as awesome as Dracula, but pretty awesome.
5. INKTOBER!!! It is that time of year again. I have a lovely list to work from and many of them are already built in my head. Follow me on Instagram (@bycarissac) to see what I am working on. The good versions will be made into prints and sold at the Bizzare Bazaar!
6. I ordered a small banner for ArtByCarissaC, new business cards, and post cards. Round one of postcards came in this week. I ordered 5 designs, pictures are on my Facebook and Instagram or you can go to the Social Media page and see the Instagram feed. More will be coming next week so keep checking back.
Let me know if you can think of anything that would be cool to sell. Variety is good.
Below is the finished Flash piece.... well a version. I was goofing around and put on a "night vision" filter in Photoshop. Now it looks like someone has broken into The Flash Museum.

I used the below image as reference for the drawing. I wish I could find the link, but it is not showing up. I cannot recall what search criteria I used. I only did the first four. After that is is either Barry or Wally in the suit and in all reality the only thing that changed was the style it was drawn in (and lightning bolts / redish engergy aura.)