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January in Review

A day late.

I do not have a good reason for not posting yesterday. I was creating art and time got away from me. There were a few other things I wanted to do yesterday as well, but I ended up doing them today. All because of the art.

I am transferring the video files from my camera to my computer so I can edit video as well. I hope to have something for you tonight.

Today is a good day to cover all the stuff I did in January.

  • A lot of it was work at my part-time job.

  • I also had 4 interviews for more stable work (these take a lot of energy.)

  • I created three Valentine’s Day themed paintings, two ink wash and one gouache.

  • I created three Music themed Skull paintings, ink wash.

  • I did two small acrylic paintings.

  • Ordered postcard sized prints of the Valentine’s Day things.

  • Updated the e-shop and gallery.

  • The rest of my “free time” was spent streaming TV, reading manga and just avoiding working on art.

Looking at this list it feels like I did not do much.

I have to remind myself that I did not do anything much during the first two weeks of January, just streamed TV shows, read manga, and was generally unmotivated. I went from dealing with one frustration to the next and then trying to escape for a while.

Almost all of the art came from the last two weeks. Once I started on the Valentine’s Day art I just could not stop. I just kept going. I was inspired and the motivation to create just kept coming.

I created 7 new things in two weeks (one of the paintings was done in early January.)

February looks to be quite busy also.

I am trying to find events to vendor at.

I have made “dates” to have coffee with some new friends.

I should be starting a second art related part time job. I am super exited, I have been looking for an art related job for ages.

I am actually reading books! I am also taking a lot of old books to a second hand book store to see if I can get a few dollars for them. Any amount helps to turn things into art ;)

I also have a few ideas for other arty projects. I just have to figure out how to make the upcycling bit of the project work with the arty part of the project.

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