This past week has been a slow one for art.
I am working more hours at the job that pays the bills. That leaves less energy and less time for art. I have about an hour during my work days to devote to art... IF I want to get enough sleep to function.
I have been working on a few things. The big one is preparing sketches for Inktober this year.

I am doing a table top game theme, leaning more to role playing games. I am calling my Inktober theme #NERDTOBER.
There are going to be quite a few stereotypical representations of nerds, glasses, buck teeth, braces, suspenders and pocket protectors. Any you know what?
I am going to play upon those to add humor to my art. I do way to much serious stuff. I need some silly and weird art in my life.
I love nerds and I always have. I am one! I have zero fashion sense and I am sure I look as awkward as many of the stereotyped nerd images when I make an attempt.
Another thing I am working on is a few pieces to be donated to the Alexandria RPG Library when they go to PAX Unplugged! How awesome is that.
And another is some spooky movie themed art for a Halloween event I have in October. I have a few movies in mind, I just need to rewatch them.
There are lots of things that got started or have been worked on this past week. There is just not a lot of viewable progress for me to share.
I also did not get the video done for this week. I am so tired and there just do not seem to be enough hours in the day to get everything done.
I really hope that I can get a few things done this week. I love having things to share with you.