I find it hard to practice self love. Most of my personal worth is derived from how well an art piece came out or how well I did on my to do list. I am also female and have to deal with the varying hormone levels through out the cycle (seriously messes with my game.)
After my poor earnings at Art on the Ave, I felt pretty worthless. Little interest in my art and such few sales left me feeling frustrated and drained. I had expected more.
Expectations are what open the door to disappointment.
Monday arrived and I was still frustrated. It is Monday and I have a blog post to do… “Motivational Monday” no less (so not feeling it.) I crack open my list of quotes I wanted to draw and up next is one about self love.
I can draw this, maybe I will get out of my funk.
I finished on Wednesday evening. I was so happy with it, I posted it on every group I am a part of along with a notice that I want to do more and will take commissions (seriously I want to do more, send me a message.)
If I had not chosen to draw the quote I would still be frustrated and angry. I am sure would have picked a fight with my spouse over something stupid. Instead I am happy and have prospects to show my art at a few art walks.
I have a commission up next and still need to finish the frog and octopus pallet knife creations. You will be getting more art from me!
I am open to commissions. Send me a message with a photo and a positive quote. Prices start at $30 for an 8x10.