Hello Everyone!
Things have been busy. Sadly, not on the art front.
I had to be a responsible adult and get a full time job for a few months. In addition to a full time job I have been spending my weekends doing other income generating activites (other jobs.) The past two weeks I have worked... a lot.
It does not look like I will have much time to create art until my full time temp job is complete, hopefully that is in February.
The good thing about this is that I will have money to do more events in 2019. I might invest in some help pushing my brand, I am not sure it is going to be worth it, but you never know.
In art news I have a new tool! A XP-Pen tablet. It is pretty neat. It acts as a secondary monitor for any computer it is attached to. The cool thing is that it connects to all kinds of software and you can draw with it. I have been using GIMP (my laptop is not butch enough to run Adobe products.) I hope I can create some cool things with it and move into digital art.
You can check out some of my doodle on my Instagram @bycarissac.
I am currently working on a commission, which I am trying not to share to much, since the recipient follows my feed. It is taking much longer than usual. I have restarted several times, but I am really liking this third iteration. Also the job is sucking a lot of my time. I am averaging 2 hours a day, though most of the work happens on my nights off.

In 2019 I will be moving from the *oh so creative* Art by Carissa C to Happy Goth Art. My art will still be the same mix of pretty and creepy / weird, just under a name that, I feel, is more accurate and says what kind of art I do.
My website will route from artbycarissac.com to happygothart.com. I will be updating all my social media outlets and email address (one of the reasons I needed to get the job. Rebranding is expensive!)
Yes, I am open to doing, and willing, commissions. I enjoy creating art for others. I love to get out of my comfort zone and draw new and challenging things.
8x10 and smaller, especially in gouache or acyrlic can be done pretty quickly, about a week with my current schedule. Base price for these are $40 and lower.
After my temp job I will be able to take more elaborate and larger works.

Help me be able to avoid getting another full time job by commissioning me to create art for you, your friends, family, even your enemies! It really is a great way to show that you care about a person. You can show how much they mean to you with a painting of your inside jokes, or a collage of things that are important. Remember a loved one or pet with a portrait, or just get something weird and fun because you like it.
I might judge you a little, but I will paint it and it will be awesome.
Check out my commissions page to see what I have done recently.
The above image is a memoir of a person who took their own life. The collage style shows things that he loved and talked about on a regular basis, things that brought him joy. A positive way to remember a father, son, and friend. This was done on watercolor paper in gouache.

You may be familiar with this set of sugar skulls. I have shared them several times. This was done for a couple that enjoys the darker side of life and the colors of the tradition of mexican sugar skulls. Embracing death as a part of living is something they do daily. An awesome couple. These are ink wash painting on bristol paper.
With every commission I get better. This is because I have to try new things and get better. Creating connections with people through art is what I love doing.
I would love to make a connection with you or for you and the person you are giving the art to. We can make the world better together.
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That is all for this post. It is quite long.
Please keep checking my social media and see what is going on and when I will be doing my next big projects.
Thank you for your support!